

The second appeal session filed by “Lawyers for Justice” group against the decision issued by the Ministry of Economy, which imposed restrictions on its registration, is scheduled to take place.

The second appeal session filed by “Lawyers for Justice” group against the decision issued by the Ministry of Economy, which imposed restrictions on its registration, is scheduled to take place.

The second session regarding the appeal filed by "Lawyers for Justice" group against the decision issued by the Ministry of Economy, which imposed restrictions on its registration, is scheduled to be held tomorrow, June 21, 2023, at the Administrative Court in...

Due to the non-attendance of the witness (W.N), the scheduled court session for the accused involved in the killing of Nizar Banat at the Special Military Court in Ramallah was once again adjourned.

Due to the non-attendance of the witness (W.N), the scheduled court session for the accused involved in the killing of Nizar Banat at the Special Military Court in Ramallah was once again adjourned.

On this day, Sunday, June 11, 2023, the scheduled court session for the accused involved in the killing of Nizar Banat at the Special Military Court in Ramallah was once again adjourned due to the non-attendance of the witness (W.N). The session was held in the...

Today, Sunday, the Ramallah Special Military Court postponed the trial of the defendants in the case of the murder of political dissident Nizar Banat until May 28, 2023.

Today, Sunday, the Ramallah Special Military Court postponed the trial of the defendants in the case of the murder of political dissident Nizar Banat until May 28, 2023.

Today, Sunday, May 7, 2023, the Special Military Court in Ramallah postponed the trial session of 14 members of the Preventive Security Service accused of killing the political dissident, and the candidate for the canceled legislative elections; the martyr Nizar...

“Ongoing Crisis”  The Systematic Nature of the Suppression of Freedoms in the West Bank/ The summary

“Ongoing Crisis” The Systematic Nature of the Suppression of Freedoms in the West Bank/ The summary

The “Lawyers for Justice” group Annual Report 2021-2022  “Ongoing Crisis”  The Systematic Nature of the Suppression of Freedoms in the West Bank The summary The year 2021 marked a qualitative difference in the human rights situation in the West Bank; the pace of...

January 2020 report

January 2020 report

Lawyers for Justice January 2020 report:17 cases of 'political detention', and 4 of the detainees raise allegations of torture and miss-treatment A contribution from “Lawyers for Justice” group in monitoring and documenting the Palestinian human rights situation,...

December 2019 report, Lawyers for Justice

December 2019 report, Lawyers for Justice

17 cases of political detention, and 5 of the detainees raise allegations of torture and miss-treatment A contribution from the “Lawyers for Justice” group in monitoring and documenting the Palestinian human rights situation, publishes this second monthly report of...

Lawyers for Justice monthly report, November 2019

Lawyers for Justice monthly report, November 2019

About Lawyers for Justice: The idea of ​​a group of lawyers for justice was launched in Palestine in 2011, with the vision of a number of human rights lawyers, after the emergence of the need for a new independent legal body to defend the prisoners of conscience, in...

Security cooperation between Preventive Security and Israel, leads prisoners to administrative detention

Security cooperation between Preventive Security and Israel, leads prisoners to administrative detention

Після того, як Служба превентивної безпеки Палестини видала наказ про звільнення політичного ув’язненого Алаа Башира після її арешту під час перебування в мечеті Османа Бін Аффана в місті Калькіля на північному Західному березі, двадцять п’ять співробітників сил...


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