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December 15, 2024
Administrative and political detention,Featured,Front page,Our Activities,Statements
Public statement by the Lawyers for Justice Group Lawyers for justice is monitoring with concern the continued detention of five Birzeit University students on the background of their on-campus...
On Sunday, 10-11-2024, Lawyers for Justice Group obtained an acquittal merit issued by the Qalqilya Magistrate’s Court against citizen Roaa Rimzeq. She was charged of the authority contrary to...
Lawyers for justice group is proudly announcing the nominations of our collogue Diala Ayesh for the award of Index of Censorship – Freedom of Expression Awards. For her role in advocacy for the...
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Who are we?

Lawvers for justice started its legal activibes as an individual back in 2012, by the time human rights violations increased and still increasing fotowing this, the group began to shape its ideas gradually as part of its efforts to organize its work, in 2014, the group called itself Lawyers for Justice Group.