Urgent appeal for the release of students arrested at Birzeit University

Public statement by the Lawyers for Justice Group Lawyers for justice is monitoring with concern the continued detention of five Birzeit University students on the background of their on-campus student and trade union activities. The group has applied for the release of the arrested students, but these applications were rejected, in clear violation of their legal and constitutional rights. The arrest of these students constitutes a violation of freedom of opinion and expression, of freedom of association and of their right to engage in their legitimate activities. Such detention also hinders their academic career and reflects a repression of students’ freedoms. The Group expresses deep concern about the concerns raised by some detainees before the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Ramallah Magistrate’s Court judge about torture and ill-treatment in detention These arrests are contrary to the State of Palestine’s international obligations under the treaties and conventions it has signed, which guarantee the right of individuals to engage in trade union work and protect their constitutional rights. A group of lawyers for justice makes an urgent appeal to local and international human rights and civil institutions to press for the immediate release of the arrested students and to ensure the protection of their fundamental rights. The Group also stresses the need to maintain and protect on-campus trade union work as a fundamental right for students to express and assemble peacefully. We affirm in the group of lawyers for justice our full readiness to pursue this case using all available legal means, and we call on all parties concerned to respect human rights and ensure the immediate release of the arrested students. Issued in 15-12-2024. Till here, Lawyers for Justice.
The wining of the human rights defender Lawyer Diala Ayesh of the award of “Index on Censorship”

*press release* “Lawyers for Justice” values the wining of the human rights defender Lawyer Diala Ayesh of the award of “Index on Censorship” in London, which was pronounced yesterday, awarding her for her outstanding role in protecting human rights and freedom of opinion and expression in Palestine. This tribute reflects activist Diala Ayesh unwavering and sustained commitment in the face of violations against Palestinian citizens, particularly in the area of freedom of expression, which face significant challenges under occupation. Lawyers for Justice Group also states that they had nominated lawyer Diala Ayesh for this award in recognition of her outstanding rights efforts, despite being detained in Israeli occupation prisons, where she is serving a period of administrative detention without trial. Her ongoing struggle from within prisons is a powerful symbol of resilience and upholding human rights in the face of oppression. Lawyers for Justice Congratulates Diala Ayesh, her family and all human rights activists, for this important achievement, stresses the importance of continued support and support for Palestinian detainees and the strengthening of domestic and international efforts to achieve justice and protect human rights in Palestine. Lawyers for Justice 21st November 2024
Public Statement issued by Lawyers for Justice Group regarding the trial of the human rights activist – Nizar Banat.

Lawyers for justice Group follows the continuation of the trial proceedings in the case of the murder of political and human rights activist Nizar Banat, whose first hearings began on 7-9-2021 and continue to date. Another trial hearing was held on 17-11-2024, which was postponed to complete the evidence of the accused’s agent. The hearing was postponed to this end until the date of the 01-12-2024. The Group notes that the trial proceedings, which have been for more than three years, remain in the role of providing defense evidence, while more than five hearings to bring a defense witness to the accused are frequently postponed. In this context, the Group of Lawyers for Justice emphasizes the need to respect the guarantees of a fair trial, including expeditious adjudication of the criminal case. Till here, Issued in 19/11/2024. Lawyers for Justice.
Lawyers for Justice Group condemns the continued detention of the Mazayed Saqf Al-Hayat

Lawyers for Justice Group condemns the continued detention of the human rights activist and political critic Mazayed Saqf Al-Hayat since 15-10-2024. The detention of the activist Mazayed is the third time this year follows ongoing defamation and incitement campaigns against him, on the background of his exercise of freedom of opinion and expression and criticism of the Palestinian Authority’s policies. Mazayed was indicted on charges of provoking sectarian nudity, wrongdoing against the authorities, defamation by using electronic means and demeaning the authorities on 21-10-2024. The Nablus Magistrates’ Court continues to refuse the release the activist to suspend his activities in the public order and security. Lawyers for Justice has appealed against decisions to reject the release, but the court has dismissed the appeal and kept the activist detained. Lawyers for Justice cautioned against the persistence of the repressive approach to issues of opinion and expression, which had become a threat to human rights and called on the Group to respect the detainee’s rights and not to be subjected to it and to ensure that he received a fair trial and his immediate release. Issued in 21-10-2024, Till here, Lawyers for Justice.
The release of the detained student at Arab American University Hamam Al-Haj

The General Intelligence Service released student Hamam al-Haj at the Arab American University yesterday on Wednesday, 29-5-2024, he was detained back on the 5-5-2024, on the background of his trade union and student activities. The Jenin Magistrates’ Court had pronounced Hamam’s release on 16-5-2024, but the General Intelligence Service refused to execute the release order issued by the Jenin Magistrate, and kept him arrested by the director of the General Intelligence Service. Lawyers for Justice considers that the arrest of detainees under the supervision of the security services is an unlawful arrest and action and involves an offence prescribed by law, namely the refusal to implement a 14-day judicial decision and the imprisonment of liberty without legitimate justification. The Group also considers that the said measure contravenes the Constitutional Court’s decision in Constitutional Case No. (18/2022) issued in the 25/1/2023, which earlier annulled the administrative arrest of the Governor and repealed articles of the Jordanian Crime Prevention Law No. (7) Of 1954, which used to allow the violation of the guarantees of a fair trial. Till here, Issued in 30/5/2024. Lawyers for Justice.
Lawyers for Justice condemns the systematic incitement of the group

Lawyers for Justice condemns the systematic incitement of the group and it’s director (Adv. Mohannad Karajeh), the group considers this campaign to be led via a page on Telegram that calls it self “ Eagle of Palestine“ close to officers in Palestinian Security Services, is an integral part of the persistent approach to incitement and repression against human rights action, and the dissemination of false news aimed at activists and human rights defenders. The group notes that this page and other pages supported by individuals in the security services represent social media platforms to incite against activists and human rights defenders These incitement media campaigns are often followed by the arrest of incited persons, the latest of which was the activist Muzed Saqf Alhayt who was arrested by the Preventive Security Service on Thursday night, 23-5-2024, beaten and tortured. Therefor, The Group calls upon the official authorities responsible, including the judiciary, to intervene urgently in order to put an end to this page and those responsible for it, because of their abuse and incitement affecting the entire national and social fabric, in a time where m official institutions must be a shield protecting public rights and freedoms. Also, the group endures security services the responsibility for broadcasting the mentioned page on the Telegram platform and other pages where they note the participation of officers and members of the security services who participate in campaigns of hate speech and misinformation directed against human rights defenders, political activists and opinion activists. Till here Lawyers for Justice issued in 27-5-2024.
Postponement of trial of alleged murderers of political and human rights activist Nizar Banat.

The trial of the accused in the case of the murder of political and human rights activist Nizar Banat was held at the Ramallah Military Court on Monday, 20-5-2024 During the trial, the defense counsel of all 14 previously released defendants, presented to the court witness Samir Abu Zarour, who’s retired since 2017. He was the head of the autopsy department of the Ministry of Justice. prior to his retirement in 2017. He represented the Independent Human Rights Commission in attendance at the autopsy of the late Nizar Banat following his murder on 24 July 2021 without participating in the autopsy. During the ongoing trial since September 2021, the court heard the testimony of the doctor and he was discussed by the defense counsel and the military prosecution. He also stated that he hadn’t applied for the examination, and what can be highlighted in this context is the assertion by the defense witness of the accused that the cause of death of Nizar Banat was due to an abnormal cause of death. In addition to determining the proportion of injuries on the dead person’s body by 21% of the body area, Distributed on the head, face and shoulder from the back, upper and lower limbs and back area, The witness also stated that these blows to the deceased’s body did not result to death, according to him. And the witness concluded that the cause of death, according to the autopsy committee, was caused by traumatic trauma resulting in death, the cause of death, from the witness’ point of view, was due to asphyxiation because of congestion in the face of the deceased, as described. At the end of the trial proceedings, the defense counsel requested to notice a witness and to be brought, and also requested that the next trial hearing be confidential, so that the testimony of the said witness would relate to national security, for that reasons, next hearing was postponed to 3.6-2024. In this context, Lawyer for Justice considers that the holding of the trial to be confidential contravenes the revolutionary Code of Criminal Procedure in force of 1979 and its amendments. Till here, Lawyers for Justice Issued in 21/5/2024.
Israeli military court in Ofer holds appeal hearing on the administrative decision to arrest human rights defender Diala Ayesh.

An appeal hearing was held today Thursday 16/5/2024, at the Military Occupation Court-Ofer of the prisoner of occupation, lawyer and human rights defender Diala Ayesh, to ascertain her previous four-month administrative arrest warrant, which expires by tomorrow Friday 17/5/2024, unless a new administrative arrest warrant is issued against her. The occupation army arrested lawyer Ayesh at the military checkpoint called Container in the south of the occupied West Bank on 17-1-2024 before referring her to administrative detention for four months. The prisoner suffers from poor conditions of detention as other prisoners and detainees in Israeli occupation prisons, particularly prisoners who got arrested during the war and aggression against the Gaza Strip and the cities of the occupied West Bank following October 7, 2023, in the context of war and aggression against the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Prisoners of the Gaza Strip, which reports on the death of approximately 20 prisoners since the beginning of the war, Other than Gaza prisoners deprived of all kinds of legal representation before military courts or visits by lawyers or know the fate of those who were alive or martyred during or after the arrest. Prisoner Ayesh, who has been in Damon prison for four months, spoke during today’s session about the conditions of her detention, which reflect the situation of Palestinian women prisoners in occupation prisons; This reflects the deterioration of living conditions inside the prison, the reduction of the break at the prison, the reduction of food and the accumulation of detainees in each room, forcing four women prisoners inside her room to sleep on the floor. And the lack of clothes and covers, the lack of basic needs for women prisoners, as well as the poor handling during counting prisoners that is more frequent per day than before the war, In addition to the limited visits of lawyers, the continued deprivation of purchasing of needs from the Cafeteria (prison cafeteria). Lawyers for Justice fears of any renewal of the administrative detention of lawyer and human rights defender Diala Ayesh particularly with the expiration of the current order tomorrow, Friday 17.5.2024, and without a verdict on the appeal at today’s hearing The Group notes that all detainees under administrative detention are arbitrarily detained without any charges, on the basis of the Mandatory Emergency Law, which is contrary to all guarantees of a fair trial and is also totally incompatible with the right to self-determination. Till here, Lawyer for Justice Issued in 16/5/2024.
Lawyers for justice condemns the acts of security services for suppressing a peaceful protest that was held today in Ramallah to denounce the ongoing war and attacks against Gaza.
Lawyers for justice condemns the acts of security services for suppressing a peaceful protest that was held today in Ramallah to denounce the ongoing war and attacks against Gaza. During, the security services were present in both civil and military clothing, as repression occurred, assaults on children took place and while filming the demonstration, and personal sources also varied according to what was distinguished by attendance. During the past week, a solidarity march with prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons was suppressed as a result of what they had been subjected to since October 7. During the march, the protestors were suppressed. The group documented the attack and wounding of a prisoner’s son by security agents who suppressed the demonstration. The group also condemns the continued suppression practiced by security services, which breaches constitutional rights stipulated by the Palestinian constitutional law, and the increasing pace of political arrests that has targeted dozens of civilians over the past two weeks in various cities in The West bank under the grounds of opinion expression and political affiliation. the group also assures that the cases of repression and arbitrary arrests reflects the lack of seriousness of the decisions and statements issued by the new government related to correcting the conditions of public freedoms, and also contradicts the decree-law issued by the head of authority approving the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights within the system of national laws that guarantee civil and political rights and freedoms. Till here, Lawyers for Justice Issued in 10-5-2024.
Postponement the murder trial of political – human rights activist Nizar Banat.

Postponement the murder trial of political – human rights activist Nizar Banat. Lawyers for Justice pursues the course of the trial of the accused of killing political and human rights activist Nizar Banat, which was held on 6-5-2024 in front the military court in Ramallah. In accordance with the facts and circumstances, the Military court in Ramallah postponed the hearing pending notification of the next hearing by the Defense counsel which was appointed on 20-5-2024, a further hearing was held on 26-4-2024 and was postponed on 6-5-2024 for the same reason that the defendants’ defense counsel was not present. Lawyers for Justice appoints that the trial of 14 preventative security agents who are accused of killing activist Nizar Banat were released on 21-6-2022 by decision of the Military Public Prosecutor in conjunction with the first anniversary of their murder, no substantive proceedings have taken place in the case file in more than eight months, This would disrupt the trial proceedings and hinder access to the objective of the trial, the first session of the trial was held on 14-9-2021 after more than two and a half months of the assassination incident on the 24-6_2021 during the break-in by a security force of the Palestinian Preventive Security of the activists house at dawn hours and was severely beaten using iron and gas that led to his death, on the background of criticism by Palestinian Authority political officials. In this context, lawyers for justice stresses the need to expedite trial proceedings in earnest and to ensure that justice is served, particularly almost three years after the activist’s killing and more than two and a half years since the beginning of the trial. Lawyers for justice, Issued in 8/5/2024.