The “Lawyers for Justice” group condemns the massacre committed by the occupation forces against our people in Nablus, in which eleven martyrs were martyred.
The “Lawyers for Justice” group condemns the massacre committed by the occupying forces against our people in the centre of the occupied city of Nablus this afternoon, the group mourns the eleven martyrs who were martyred in the crime committed by the occupying forces, and wishes a speedy recovery for tens of those wounded as a result of the attack, which lasted for several hours. The group asserts that this attack comes in the context of the ongoing war waged by the colonial war machine against our people to prevent them from exercising their right to self-determination guaranteed under international human rights conventions, which emphasises the legitimacy of resisting the occupation, which was also emphasised by the United Nations General Assembly in many resolutions. In the face of these ongoing crimes against our people, the group deplores the international community’s continued silence and standing by the “occupying state” while ignoring and denying the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, the group also emphasises the legitimacy of legitimate acts within the framework of self-determ … Lawyers for Justice February 22, 2023
Cancellation of tomorrow’s press conference

At the outset; “Lawyers for Justice” group mourns the martyrs of the city of Nablus who were martyred this afternoon, and wishes the injured a speedy recovery. due to the painful crime committed by the occupation against our people, we decided to cancel the press conference scheduled for tomorrow, in which the annual report for the second year after the declaration of the state of emergency was supposed to be published, entitled “The Ongoing Crisis and the Systematic Nature of Repression of Freedoms in the West Bank”. Accordingly; The group will only publish an electronic version of the report on its website. … Lawyers for Justice February 22, 2023
Violating the right to physical and mental safety (March 2021- March 2022)

Regarding the testimonies, in violating the right to physical and mental safety, 85% of the cases followed up by the Group, reported that their right to physical and mental safety was violated. #ongoing_crisis
Press conference to publish a report entitled “Ongoing Crisis; The Systematic Nature of the Suppression of Freedoms in the WestBank”

The “Lawyers for Justice” group is honored to invite you to attend its press conference, which will include the publication of a report on the arbitrary arrests during the Second year of the state of emergency, entitled “Ongoing Crisis; The Systematic Nature of the Suppression of Freedoms in the West Bank” on Thursday the 23th of February 2023 at 12:00 pm at Lawyers for Justice – Al Bireh – Al Balou’ – behind Bun Zheiman. #Ongoing_Crisis
179 arrests from March 2021 – March 2022

During the second year of declaring the State of emergency (till 31/3/2022) “Lawyers for Justice Group” – will be referred to as the “Group” in the current report, due to its various members – had followed up approximately 179 detentions; Through human rights follow-up and legal representation. Additionally, the Group had documented other violations other than detention cases. #Ongoing_Crisis
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detention on the basis of opinion and expression (March 2021- March 2022)

The “Lawyers for Justice” group worked with 75 cases, those who had been arrested on the background of freedom of opinion and expression, represent 41.8% of the total arrest cases. 11 cases were arrested for publishing political critiques on social media platforms, while 63 cases were arrested for political affiliation. #Ongoing_Crisis
Press conference to publish a report entitled “Ongoing Crisis; The Systematic Nature of the Suppression of Freedoms in the WestBank”

The “Lawyers for Justice” group is honored to invite you to attend its press conference, which will include the publication of a report on the arbitrary arrests during the Second year of the state of emergency, entitled “Ongoing Crisis; The Systematic Nature of the Suppression of Freedoms in the West Bank” on Thursday the 23th of February 2023 at 12:00 pm at Lawyers for Justice – Al Bireh – Al Balou’ – behind Bun Zheiman.
Proceedings of the trial of the accused in killing the activist Nizar Banat

Yesterday, January 29, 2023, a trial session was held at the special military court in Ramallah for the 14 members of the preventive security, accused of killing the martyr Nizar Banat, the session was held in the presence of the entire ruling body, and in the presence of the fourteen accused who were previously released, their attorney, and a representative of the military prosecution. “Lawyers for Justice” group followed the session as an observer of the trial sessions of the accused in the case of the murder of activist Nizar Banat, and some colleagues and representatives of local and international human rights institutions. Within the framework of the litigation procedures; The defense attorney presented his defense evidence, represented by an expert, who is a forensic doctor, head of the forensic medicine department in a hospital in Jordan, doctor (A.A.); Who submitted his report to the court, then he was discussed about this report by the defense attorney, the representative of the military prosecution, and by the court; he summarized in his report, “The cause of death of the deceased is due to heart and respiratory failure.” He added, “The cause of death is the health condition that the deceased was suffering from.” He commented on the forensic report, “What they found of the death result is not correct” The doctor (A.A) confirmed that his basis in constructing his report relied on the forensic medical report, the medical file of Nizar before his martyrdom, in addition to some papers and files that he received from the court. In its role, the Military Prosecution objected to showing the medical report prepared by the expert, expressing that it is a structural and office report, and it did not rely on examination, and autopsy, and that the approved reports must be issued by the competent authorities, but the court added the report to the case file. The observer of the “Lawyers for Justice” group made some observations during the session, which was initially represented by the expert detouring by answering some questions of the court and the prosecution, and answering them in general terms, the defense attorney intervened by adding some words or phrases to the expert’s answers, the presence of some terms in the report of the expert, who confirmed verbally that they are either wrong or not found in the medical dictionary, such as the term traumatic shock, The session was adjourned for 10 minutes, then he returned and said after the adjournment of the session, “The term traumatic shock exists only in the head and not in the rest of the body, and it does not apply to Nizar’s case, but rather what applies to Nizar’s case in the head is bruises” the defense attorney interrupted the court and the prosecution. It is noteworthy that the session was adjourned to February 26, 2023, and was postponed to allow the defense attorney to decide whether he wishes to provide additional evidence or not. It is worth mentioning that today’s session started at 10:00 and ended at 1:45. … January 30, 2023 Lawyers for Justice
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