Today, Wednesday, March 22, 2023, the Qalqilya Prosecution Office referred the file of the political detainee, Qassem Jabr, to the competent court (the Magistrate’s Court in Qalqilya), which acquitted him, and implicitly ordered his release.
The Preventive Security Service in the city of Qalqilya had arrested Jabr on March 13, 2023 on the basis of political and partisan pluralism, and then referred his file to the Qalqilya Prosecution Office, which brought political charges against him and interrogated him about them.
It is noteworthy that Jabr is a former political detainee, who was previously arrested by order of the Governor of Nablus, in addition to being a released prisoner from the occupation prisons.
Lawyers for Justice
March 22, 2023