A statement issued by the “Lawyers for Justice” group regarding the summoning of the Public Prosecution of Dr. Azmi Al-Shuaibi, Advisor to the Board of Directors of the Aman Coalition, and Mr. Issam Haj Hussein, Executive Director of the Coalition.

The “Lawyers for Justice” group condemned the summoning of the Public Prosecution in Ramallah yesterday morning, Monday 5.6.2023, to Dr. Azmi Al-Shuaibi, Advisor to the Board of Directors of the Aman Coalition, and Mr. Issam Haj Hussein, Coalition Executive Director, against the background of the fifteenth coalition report published last month entitled “The Occupation, Division, and Political Corruption: A Closed Loop that Feeds Each Other”. The group considered that the investigation with Al-Shuaibi and Hajj Hussein was based on what was published in the coalition report on what is known as the file of laundering the dates of the settlement; an attempt to restrict the work of civil society institutions and organizations and obstruct their activity in the context of their oversight role on official performance. The group affirms that the work of civil society organizations is guaranteed and protected by the laws and regulations established in Palestine, including the Palestinian Basic Law, which guarantees the work of organizations without harassment. Accordingly, the group calls on the Ramallah Prosecution Office to immediately retract these measures against the AMAN Coalition, and also affirms that freedom of criticism is guaranteed and may not be restricted in any way, and that the continuation of these measures is against the aforementioned persons. It is an unjustified bias towards repression. At the time, activists and human rights defenders must be protected, and arrest campaigns must be stopped. Lawyers for Justice 6.6.2023