Lawyers for Justice

The General Intelligence releases a witness to martyr Nizar Banat assassination.

Today, March 5, 2023, the Public Prosecution issued a decision to release the political activist, the cousin of the martyr Nizar Banat, and one of the witnesses to his assassination, Ammar Banat. Forces from the General Intelligence arrested the political activist, Ammar Banat, from his workplace in Hebron, Thursday, March 2, 2023. This is not the first time he has been arrested, but his arrest has been repeated since the assassination of the martyr Nizar Banat to pressure him not to testify before the Special Military Court at first, and to express his opinion in the case of the assassination of Nizar Banat and other public issues. … Lawyers for Justice March 5, 2023

A protest in front of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Ramallah to demand the release of Ammar Banat

A group of human rights organizations and activists sit-in today in front of the headquarters of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Ramallah, to demand for immediate release of Ammar Banat, one of the witnesses in the case of the assassination of the political critic Nizar Banat, who were arrested in May 19th, 2022. The statement as follows: An Invitation for immediate action  A call to the Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations of Human Rights in West Bank, and to all Human Rights organizations in Palestine; we do request for immediate intervene to release “Ammar Banat” who’s one of the main witnesses in the assassination  NIZAR BANAT case, Ammar is  detained arbitrary in PA prisons charged by shooting on one of the accused persons in Nizar Banat case. The continuous restrictions on Banat’s family, the way of continuing the arbitrary arrest is a major violation to the Human Rights system and a violation to the International Conventions that Palestine joined. We request all the Human Rights Organizations to do all the possible work to release Ammar Banat. Freedom to Ammar and Justice to Nizar! The popular Alliance for Change