Lawyers for Justice

Denouncing the assault on lawyer Morsi Hussein and supporting official authorities.

Press release
Lawyers for Justice condemns in the strongest terms the attack on lawyer Morsi Hussein in the city of Ramallah, which was an attempt to threaten his personal security, shoot his vehicle and then burn it down by lawlessness. This assault is a flagrant violation of the law and an attack on individuals’ freedom and rights, which is in total contravention of the principles of justice and human rights.
Lawyers, including lawyer Morsi Hussein, play a crucial role in defending human rights and achieving justice. In this sense, the assault on counsel is an attack on the entire legal system and on the principles of justice that each lawyer seeks to achieve.
Lawyers for Justice Calls for support for the efforts of law enforcement and the Public Prosecutor’s Office to quickly arrest and bring perpetrators to justice. We also call on civil society and human rights protection institutions to intervene to protect lawyers and ensure that they are able to carry out their work without threat or attack.
In this context, we emphasize the need for the Bar Association to follow up with the competent authorities to ensure the necessary protection of lawyers and facilitate their work, in order to ensure that their independence is preserved and that they are protected from any attacks that may hinder their noble work.
The assault on lawyers cannot be acceptable in any way, and we will all work to ensure a safe and encouraging environment for lawyers to continue their efforts in the pursuit of justice.

Till here,
Issued in 11-8-2024.

Lawyers for Justice.


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