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On Thursday morning, 23-5-2024, the Military Court of Ofar Occupational Prison held a new session to confirm the administrative arrest warrant for the second time against lawyer and human rights defender Diala Ayesh. During the hearing, the military prosecutor requested the confirmation of a new order for the administrative detention of lawyer Ayesh for a period of 4 months without disclosing the reasons under a secret file, according to the military occupation prosecutor.

This extension came after the lawyer Ayesh spent 4 months in administrative detention, following her arrest at a military checkpoint in the south of the occupied West Bank on 16 January 2024, and days after the military court rejected an appeal by her counsel to release her and prevent the extension.

Administrative arrest warrants issued by the military courts of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian prisoners, which are based on the Mandatory Emergency Law, are considered to be a violation of fair trial guarantees, a derogation of the right to self-determination, all of which are guaranteed under human rights conventions and treaties.

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Lawyers for Justice
issued in 27-5-2024.