“Ongoing Crisis” The Systematic Nature of the Suppression of Freedoms in The West Bank

[pdf-embedder url=’http://lawyers4justice.ps/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/l4j-annual-report-2021-2022-en-online.pdf’]
Violating the right to physical and mental safety (March 2021- March 2022)

Regarding the testimonies, in violating the right to physical and mental safety, 85% of the cases followed up by the Group, reported that their right to physical and mental safety was violated. #ongoing_crisis
Press conference to publish a report entitled “Ongoing Crisis; The Systematic Nature of the Suppression of Freedoms in the WestBank”

The “Lawyers for Justice” group is honored to invite you to attend its press conference, which will include the publication of a report on the arbitrary arrests during the Second year of the state of emergency, entitled “Ongoing Crisis; The Systematic Nature of the Suppression of Freedoms in the West Bank” on Thursday the 23th of February 2023 at 12:00 pm at Lawyers for Justice – Al Bireh – Al Balou’ – behind Bun Zheiman. #Ongoing_Crisis